20 years after their last comic adventure, The Super Star Cadets are returning in a brand new animated show produced by co-creators Jude Zachary and Milo Francis.

The Super Star Cadets comic series ran from 1980 to 2000. For 20 beautiful years, we had the pleasure of bringing you the space adventures of Guy, Tink, and all their cohorts twice a month, every month, with an extra annual special edition. We retired the series at issue 500, which was a very difficult decision for us. But we needed a break, and we thought we were out of stories to tell.

The response we received from our fans was overwhelming. We had no idea that a small, independently-published series could have such an effect on such a large number of people. We were genuinely touched by the outpouring of support, and we both knew this was not the end.

On the 20th anniversary of the release of the final issue, we felt like it was the right time to get the band back together. We couldn’t have made this dream a reality without our incredible fans, who have been supportive every step of the way!

We are working with a fantastically talented team of writers, artists, animators, composers, producers, and actors to bring the series to life in a new space (pardon the pun), and we can’t wait to debut Super Star Cadets: Stories From Space later next year.

In the meantime, If you’re interested in getting a glimpse of what the show is all about…