The Creators

Jude Zachary grew up in Brooklyn where all his favorite superheroes lived. He would spend hours looking out the window, waiting for Spider-Man to swing by. In fact, Jude wrote stories about such encounters, injecting himself into one universe after another. Then he started making up his own.

Milo Francis moved to America with her family when she was a teenager, and learned to speak English by reading comics. For Milo, the illustrations had a sort of expressive power that transcended the written word. It inspired her to shift from classical art to the amazing art of comic books.

Jude and Milo met during their first year of college and became instant friends. It wasn’t long after that that the idea for Super Star Cadets started to form. The two dropped out of school and started creating the comic series full-time. They haven’t looked back since.

What to learn more? If you’re interested in getting a glimpse of what the show is all about…